
Thursday 30 March 2017

Yog is it?

Bhakta : Prabhu ! Yog is getting so popular

Bhagwan : Where....

Bhakta : Everywhere Prabhu. So many people doing Yoga.

Bhagwan : Yog or Yoga?

Bhakta : They are doing Asanas and Sadhna too. So many articles, photos, camps. Looks so good Prabhu !

Bhagwan : May be, it may look good but it is not Yog. It is either stretching exercise or some symbolism but no real Yog.

Bhakta : Why Prabhu ?

Bhagwan : True Yog is not about only Asan or Symbolism. It is complete transformation. It is Union with Param Brahm. It is becoming one with Supreme Consciousness. It is Self Realization and Self Actualization. A true Yogi is is one who has attained Nirvana or Enlightenment. Do you see such today. People are engulfed with greed, corruption, hatred, lust for power and money. They just want to win rat race at any cost. They want to crush others. Is this Yog?

Bhakta : Then Prabhu?

Bhagwan : How can there be Yog when people are not aware that it starts with Yama. One must adopt path of Ahimsa Non Violence, Satya Truthfulness, Asteya Not Stealing, Brahmcharya Continence, Aparigrah Freedom from Possession. This is the first step. Do you see anyone with this. In fact there is deception everywhere so truthfulness is totally defeated. If you see closely, all these are violated. People are immersed in this world of corruption crimes greed hatred and what not.

Bhakta : Then why people do not move on path of true Yog?

Bhagwan : One can but that requires giving up Kam the desires. But people are now slave of desires.
Their entire life rotates around desires. They do not want to think about their true state. They will do anything for their desires. And remember these desires crawl inside in many forms. It could be money, power, position, lust, putting others down or any other. These desires often become deceptive. One may make excuse of good cause or righteousness. They may show a grand picture of them self. But in reality these are only desires leading to corrupt practices, dishonesty, violence and distortion of truth. A true Yogi will not stand along with corrupt, greedy and those on wrong path, a true Yogi will fight against corrupt and corruption, will have courage to be honest and fight for truth and justice..

Bhakta : What should people do?

Bhagwan : Understand and realize wrong will for sure have wrong results, sooner or later. They must use brain that they can not deceive consciousness.

Bhakta : Using brain Prabhu...........  Naaraayan !!!  Naaraayan !!!